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Rinse-Free Hand Wash

Our Rinse-Free Hand Wash Gel is a unique, crystal clear, medium viscosity gel formulation containing 62% alcohol and a special blend of moisturizers and skin conditioning agents that leave your hands feeling moisturized, refreshed and thoroughly clean. When applied to hands it evaporates in seconds.


Glycerin, a natural humectant, helps moisturize and counteracts the drying effects of alcohol. Aloe Vera Leaf is a natural soothing and healing agent which helps prevent dry, cracked or peeling skin. Additionally, we include Pro Vitamin B-5 and Vitamin E which contribute to healthy looking and great feeling skin.

Rinse-Free Hand Wash

Hand Wash Weekly
Save 10% off regular pricing
$8,10Hver uge indtil annulleret
Hand Wash Monthly
Save 5% off the regular price
$8,55hver måned indtil annulleret
  • Using a Rinse-Free Hand Wash is the easiest and most important step you can take to keep your hands clean when soap and water are not available.

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